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Ganga - the Beginning - Tranquil

Ganga - the Beginning

Ganga the mighty river descended from the heaven – Only Shiva can absorb such a power – so Shiva accepted Ganga in his hair

 Parvati was upset that Ganga got shelter in Shiva’s hair and Shiva seems to be liking it - Parvati has a habit of taking long bath - and she suspected that Shiva and Ganga are becoming very close in her absence – so she kept Ganesh on watch –

 and eventually Ganesh orchestrated Ganga’s departure to earth....

 Simple story based on the Indian Mythology – some known – some unknown – but full of action and drama.  Here is my representation of these stories in color – another reflection of culture – viewed from another angle!

My series – Arrival, Conceit, and Tranquil tell a very humane story in color.

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